CCA Team Lead
Summary of responsibilities:
The purpose of this position is to participate as a leadership team member providing value-added input and services to guide and support the leadership team and cells. The Team Lead’s responsibility is to provide a work environment where coworkers have the tools, training and leadership to build a quality product. The Team Lead’s goal is to improve profits and cash flow, and they will have the responsibility to strive to eliminate waste, provide a stable work flow while meeting program schedules and improving processes, and monitor and ensure that a quality product is produced through teamwork. To do this, the Team Lead is responsible for the overall performance of all programs and cells delegated to their oversight. This team is the production supervision on the floor for the team’s designated areas and will represent KMM as such with the customer. The Team Lead will conduct themselves in a professional manner and at all times be responsive and respectful. This includes but is not limited to: Process Improvements, Quality of Product, Manpower Scheduling, NCR’s, Personnel Skill Assessments, Training, & Meetings. This position requires a minimum of weekly reporting on the current reporting format to the designated leadership.
The Team Lead will conduct themselves in a professional manner and at all times be responsive and respectful.
This includes but is not limited to the duties and responsibilities listed below.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
• Collaborate with the Team Engineer to receive redlines and updates and ensure process documentation accuracy and improvements – ensure that the processes used are up to date, accurate and provide a value-added instruction when followed by coworkers.
o Point improvements – Collaborate with all team members to provide point improvements and assist coworkers in identifying point improvements. Monitor that point improvements in area of responsibility are evaluated and where possible introduced, implemented, and quantified in the work area in a timely manner.
o Documentation: Document best practices used by the leadership team and the co-workers in the team’s assignment area.
o Affirming our Co-workers’ Efforts: Ensure that coworkers receive credit and share with other cells so that best practices can be instituted throughout the factory wherever possible.
o Kaizen participation – An active participation in Lean activities is imperative to process improvements and leadership participation is required.
• Ensure Quality of Product through various tools and monitoring methods such as:
o Andon Facilitation
o Lot Rejection facilitation
o FPY analysis and action planning based on provided data
• Manpower / Scheduling
o Implement Rev Changes and effectivity into Work in Process Updates in Dynamics
MO releases on a pull system
Generate packing slips
MO Receipts / Close MO’s
o Monitor shipping schedules and communicate with Manufacturing Supervisor any pending issues and ensure product flow is meeting customer demands. Productivity measurements
Monitor manpower needs based upon productivity
Identify productivity concerns and evaluate course of action based on data
Work with coworkers to ensure that the process, tooling, training and understanding of productivity standards to meet the daily 80% productivity standard.
o Customer Report Card – Understand the customer rating system and report card, know the location, what the information means and relay this information to the team.
• NCRs – Customer returns and product NCR
o Oversight that they are complete, properly written and returned on time per the customer requirements.
o Tracking of replacement parts through interaction with the procurement group and Manufacturing Supervisor
• Personnel Skills Assessments
o Assist the Manufacturing Supervisor in the evaluation of employee reviews
o Provide assessments on all skill requirements needed to perform tasks
• Meetings/Trainings
o Identify training needs based on employee assessments and performance
o Assist the trainer in identifying the training curriculum and needs to provide effective and efficient training for all production personnel.
o Mentoring
* The individual has the responsibility and authority to carry out assigned tasks.
** All other duties as assigned
Education, prior work experience, and skills and knowledge:
• This position requires that the employee must have intimate knowledge of aerospace manufacturing; at least 1-2 years experience with KMM operations or can clearly demonstrate that all aspects of the job description are within their ability to perform, demonstrated the ability to provide a quality product with the required FPY and productivity requirements, and have the ability to perform the calculations, reporting and evaluations required.
• The position requires the employee to have proficient computer skills as well as knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Excel and Outlook. In addition, the position requires a working knowledge and current certifications of required production standards as they apply to programs (JSTD, IPC 620, and IPC 610) that are contract and customer requirements.
• In addition, the position requires good communication skills, and the ability to professionally handle employee issues in an unbiased and fair manner as they arise.
• This position required that the employee meet the attendance requirements and understand KMM policies and procedures as well as the expectations for leadership behavior.
Physical requirements, i.e. vision, lifting, standing, sitting, etc, and environment/working conditions:
• This position will require long periods of computer use while performing the reporting, tracking and planning requirements.
• The employee must be able to sit and work at a work station which may also require extended use of a microscope and solder iron.
• The employee must be able to move freely throughout the work area to evaluate, assist and assign work tasks to cell.
• The employee must have the ability to move freely throughout the production area to effectively evaluate program status and assist where needed with machinery, tooling and program analysis.
• This position requires the ability to clearly communicate through verbal and written means and will require frequent use of phone, e-mail and other standard office communication devises.
Equipment and machinery used:
• The position requires the use of a computer, related software and other standard office equipment.
• The position requires the knowledge and proper use of the vapor degreaser (cleaning machine), soldering iron, component prep machines, Microscope and other materials necessary in the production of KMM’s circuit card assembly products. Safety equipment such as masks, gloves and protective eyewear may be required depending on the function being performed.
To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following competencies to perform the essential functions of this position.
• Problem solving—the individual must identify and assist in the resolution of problems in a timely manner and gathers and analyzes information skillfully by using knowledge gained through work experience. The individual provides process improvement ideas and solutions to problems and is proactive in addressing potential issues. The individual embraces the concept of team participation in problem solving and understands the importance of providing and seeking assistance when needed. This competency will be demonstrated through improved productivity, FPY, and an increase in certifications.
• Oral communication—the individual speaks clearly and respectfully at all times including stressful situations. Demonstrates group presentation skills and conducts meetings. The individual can work effectively with all levels of coworkers and can communicate in clear, understandable and concise language. The individual must be able to effectively communicate through various forms of communication both written and verbal and internal and external.
• Delegation—the individual delegates work assignments based on individual competencies and contract or project needs, gives authority to work independently however retains the accountability for the outcome of the delegated tasks, sets expectations, timelines and monitors delegated activities.
• Leadership—the individual inspires others to perform well and is willing to accept feedback from others. This individual must be able to show leadership through personal actions and a good solid work ethic that promotes teamwork and enthusiasm. The ability to listen and understand problems and issues clearly and to recognize subordinate or coworker problem, issues and frustrations with processes to assist in resolving these problems is critical to this function. The individual understands and practices a servant leadership attitude and treats everyone with respect and understanding while providing guidance, assistance and direction. The individual includes the team in planning, decision-making, facilitating and process improvement; makes self available to team; provides regular performance feedback; and develops subordinates’ skills and encourages growth. The individual shows leadership with a servant attitude and by personal example of behavior.
Time Management skills—the individual effectively manages work time to ensure that they are engaged and focused to provide a quality product in the allocated timeframe. The individual must be able to effectively manage their time to avoid unnecessary absenteeism or time away from the work area. This competency will be demonstrated through improved productivity, FPY, and an increase in certifications.
• Quality management—the individual looks for ways to improve and promote quality and demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness. Actively engages in process improvements, problem solving, evaluation of FPY and other quality tracking metrics to resolve any quality issues and improve overall quality and performance. The individual is engaged in the operation requirements to provide a quality product in all steps of the process. The individual can understand and follow all quality requirements and will seek assistance where necessary. The individual demonstrates an understanding of the importance of the quality of work necessary to meet the customer expectations and the importance of their function in that process. The individual meets the measurement for FPY where applicable and strives to make improvements where necessary. This competency will be demonstrated through increases in operator FPY.
• Judgment—the individual displays willingness to make decisions, exhibits sound and accurate judgment and makes timely decisions. The individual understands the complexity and importance of the job function and demonstrates this through quality work and attention to detail. The individual is willing to seek assistance where needed. The individual shows good judgment by adherence to company policies and procedures. This competency will be demonstrated through improved productivity, FPY, and an increase in certifications.
• Planning/organizing—the individual prioritizes and plans work activities, uses time efficiently and develops realistic action plans. The individual participates in 5S + Safety daily and keeps a clean and organized work area. This competency will be demonstrated through improved productivity, FPY, and an increase in certifications.
• Safety and security—the individual actively promotes and personally observes safety and security procedures, and uses equipment and materials properly And provides assistance as needed to the Safety Committee.
Other (e.g., customer contact or access to confidential information):
It is KMM’s expectation that the employee will know, understand and adhere to all KMM policies, procedures, standards of conduct and adhere to KMM Mission Statement and Values. They must be trustworthy, honest, dependable, and able to work and be a part of the teamwork environment at KMM. In addition the employee must be self motivated and exemplify good attention to detail and strive for 100% quality and be able to handle job pressure and interruptions. There may be times were extra hours are necessary to meet customer delivery requirements.
The continued success of KMM is reliant upon the engagement of employees to provide continuous improvements through lean activities and process improvement activities and recommendations. Quality of product is paramount to KMM and the employee’s continued employment and as such the ability to perform the functions of the job will be evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that these requirements are met.
Communication and transparency are critical to the success of this position. The Team Lead must foster a culture of commitment and proactive response to any KMM coworker or customer. Clear communication with supervisors in regards to production needs. Understanding of the process is paramount to the program success and employee success.
As a KMM employee it is an expectation that you will treat coworkers with respect and will refrain from any comments or actions at work, in public or on public networking sites that could be considered as liable or degrading to KMM or your fellow employees. KMM has no tolerance for discriminatory behavior of any kind.
This position is considered a leadership position and is representing KMM through their contact with customers, vendors and fellow employees and is expected to present themselves in a professional manner at all times.
This position may require travel for training, to customers and/or other KMM facilities as needed and this may include working at other locations periodically and/or possibly for extended periods of time to support operations and fulfill job requirements In the event that a KMM vehicle is not available for use the employee will be required to provide their own transportation.
This position requires a certain level of independence and self assurance as well as critical thinking for decision making.
This job description is not intended as a written contract or a promise of continued employment but a guide to job duty requirements. Other tasks or duties may be assigned as needed to perform the daily operations to provide customer satisfaction and a quality product.
This document is considered proprietary to KMM and may not be copied, transmitted or shared outside KMM without express written permission from the H. R. Director or KMM Executive Management.
KMM is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D and a Drug, Alcohol and Weapons Free Workplace