Our Mission
Develop a company-wide environment that promotes the development of an attitude of excellence that satisfies supplier, co-worker, and customer needs the first time.
Our Vision
Create and sustain a meaningful, empowering, and safe work environment that encourages individual ownership to continually improve one’s work while doing the work.
Commitment to a Quality Product
Commitment to a Quality Product Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing’s Quality Management System is in compliance with the latest aerospace industry standards. KMM is certified to: AS9100D with ISO9001-2015 – Certification 3Z071-AS15. Issue Date 07-SEP-2023, Expiration Date 06-SEP-2026. KMM is audited for conformance at regular intervals by NSF International Strategic Registrations. Certificates are registered with IAQG-OASIS.
History of Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing
Don Hedger, founder of Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, a Tier 1 manufacturing company with four southwest North Dakota locations, is dedicated to creating job opportunities in Western North Dakota since 1987. KMM, is a leading manufacturer of electronic components for military and aerospace industries.